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ZEEMOU ZENG won Gold Award in the category of Fine Jewellery Boodles Award at 2019 Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Awards

Zeemou Zeng

In February 2019, ZEEMOU ZENG was presented with the Gold Award in the category of Fine Jewellery Boodles Award, at the Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Awards, known as the ‘Jewellery Oscars’. 

Sponsored by the British luxury jeweller Boodles, this award recognises an exclusive piece of fine jewellery elegantly designed and beautifully made. In essence, the sponsors sought to identify and reward a combination of fine design and great craftsmanship in a piece of jewellery. Zeemou’s winning entry, a set of gold earrings from the Melody collection, featuring pearls that move within the piece, was chosen for its ability to reflect Boodles’ ethos and its international reputation for quality fine jewellery.

2019 Goldsmiths' Craft and Design Council Award Ceremony

2019 Goldsmiths' Craft and Design Council Award Ceremony

Goldsmiths’Hall prime warden Mr Michael Prieaux (left) Zeemou Zeng (middle) and Boodles Family managing director Mr Michael Wainwright (right)

Goldsmiths’Hall prime warden Mr Michael Prieaux (left) Zeemou Zeng (middle) and Boodles Family managing director Mr Michael Wainwright (right)

Zeemou Zeng Melody earrings

Zeemou Zeng Melody earrings

Zeemou Zeng Melody Cocktail ring

Zeemou Zeng Melody Cocktail ring

Boodles boutique

Boodles boutique