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BBeyond Jewellery 2020 Edition: Spectacular and Collectible Pieces

Zeemou Zeng

ZEEMOU ZENG jewellery is featured as one of the 4 emerging designers in the new Bbeyond Jewellery 2020 Edition: Spectacular and Collectible Pieces.

This is BB Publication's first ever Jewellery Edition and, true to form from this high end publisher, is an exquisite coffee table book. Conceived as a new loose-leaf edition, included are some of the world’s leading master jewellers, with a nod to emerging designers, and a profile of a leading collectors of historical significance pieces. Featuring gemstones, to concept jewellery, to outstanding craftsmanship, to collectible Art Deco pieces, the book offers a glimpse into the world of collectors who appreciate the truly exceptional.  

ZEEMOU ZENG thanks BB Publication for including our EYE and MELODY Collections in this beautiful collector’s edition. 


BBeyond Jewellery: Spectacular and Collectible Pieces (Hardback)